VACATION IN ALASKA: Top Alaska Vacation Spots In The Summer time


Alaska is one of the only places in the world where you can turn to your left and see snow topped mountains and turn to your right and see the ocean and beach. It is a very interesting place to visit and vacation. Alaska is such a large state you could actually spend weeks there exploring the culture.
It is a place that is also full of a great deal of desolate land, which is great if you are interested in hunting or fishing. The animal life there in Alaska is incredible. You might be walking out of your hotel only to be greeted by an elk. The wildlife roams the cities and country just alike.
If you are interested in whale watching, Alaskan cruises are great options as well. The summertime is the best time to view whales. From June to September is the ideal time to go whale watching so be sure to plan your visit accordingly. There are even kayak tours that will allow you to get closer than ever to the whales. Of course, there is some danger involved, so you will need to take note.

If you go to Alaska during the winter months, be sure to mail your holiday cards out from the city of North Pole for an added extra treat. It is a great place to visit all year long, but you will especially enjoy it during the winter months.
Keep in mind that the temperatures in Alaska change drastically throughout the year. In addition, there are times when there is sunshine for almost 20 hours a day or darkness for almost 20 hours a day. So don't be shocked to experience this phenomenon.

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