VACATION IN TEXAS: The Best Texas Vacations Include These Five Things


Texas vacations are the stuff of legend, at least if you ask a resident of the great Lone Star State. After all, Texas, though thoroughly metropolitan in many areas & very much an international destination, still has wildly diverse landscapes, climates, elevations, and all of the things that lay claim to the notion of the 'Wild West' characteristics that evoke tall tales.
In other words, Texas has a lot to offer, but with so much to offer, there comes a need to really define what a vacation in Texas is all about. What are the absolutely "musts" that are a part of the quintessential Texas getaway?
In the same way that a buffet doesn't count unless you go through the line three times, here are at least five things that any Texas vacation must have to be legit:
1. Driving - If there's one thing that Texas is known for it's that you can drive for hours in just about any direction and still be within its borders. The highways & byways of this great state are, in many respects, the definition of what a road-trip is all about. No matter if it's I-35, I-10, I-45, I-30, or Hwy 6, if you're heading out on vacation, you need to drive just to for the experience.
2. Road-side Gourmet Food - As you hit the road & partake of water & sodas, you're going to need to take a pit-stop. While most people might find this a necessary evil and want to move on ASAP, you might want to take a minute to see what kind of eats are available. Whether it's tacos or barbecue, you're sure to find something amazing.
3. Small-Town Good Eats - On the subject of food and small towns, any Texas vacation wouldn't be complete without discussing the almost "mythically-good" you got out of that one town with the great grub on Main Street, Texas somewhere. A perfect example would be the BBQ in Brenham, TX and throughout Washington County, Texas. It may be small-town 'cue, but it's world-class.

4. Fun in the Sun - No Texas vacation would be complete without hanging out by the pool, or even better, by the lake. Though there are some pretty popular places around the state, these can get very crowded. Try the more relaxed avenues of the Blue Bell Aquatic Center & Lake Somerville State Park and Trailway.
5. A Sense of Adventure - OK, this may seem a little hokey, but when it comes right down to it, taking a vacation in Texas is all about getting the most out of what the state has to offer. Sure, there's a push by many cities to become couture & fashionable, but you can find that anywhere. You need to hit the road and explore what the state has out away from the 'big city'. Be willing to try new things, and don't be afraid of tangent trips as they may form some lasting memories for you and your family.

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